North Pole (Arctic) Postal History, FDCs and
Polar Philatelic Covers at Discount Prices
Cacheted postal history, postcards and First Day Covers from 1931 to 1989 are listed on this page. All are in VG to excellent condition unless otherwise noted. 10% discount for three or more; ask about discount on larger quantities. Going fast! Only 8 left out of 65.
Covers are priced to sell fast! Prices are way under dealer prices and considerably under those in McCusker, John Jones, RKA, and Mellone auctions.
All covers will be sent by first class or Priority Mail. You, the buyer, pay only the exact postage plus 50c per order for packaging and handling.
To make sure you get what you want, you can e-mail me at SwapMeetDave@aol.com and I'll set aside the items you want and ship them upon receipt of your check or money order. I also accept Pay Pal (pay to my account: SwapMeetDave@aol.com). Send your order with payment to David Ahl, 12 Indian Head Road, Morristown, NJ 07960. Thank you!
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Click on any image to see the cover full size. ~ Top group: USA. ~ Bottom group: Foreign)
 NP-1: 12/7/31 Visit of Capt. Macmillan to Peoria, IL. SOLD
 NP-2: 4/6/34 25th anniv of Peary at North Pole. Cresson, PA. SOLD
 NP-3: 4/6/34 25th anniv of Peary at North Pole. New York, NY. $8.00
 NP4: 5/6/34 Anniv of Adm Robert Peary's birth. Ship cancel. $7.00
 NP17: 4/21/61 US Army Engineers, Greenland, w/newspaper article. SOLD
 NP18: 6/20/61 MSTS Arctic Opns. USCGC Westwind, w/backstamp. SOLD
 NP19: 11/6/61 US Weather Bureau Project Chariot, Kotzebue, AK. Rare. SOLD
 NP21: 1/13/62 US Navy Sealift Operation. USNS George Boyce. SOLD
 NP37: 5/28/86 Arctic Explorer FDC. Heartland cachet. (44/191) $6.00
 NP39: 5/28/86 FDC. Photo cachet by A.C. Doback, (16/26). SOLD
 NP40: 5/28/86 FDC. Photo cachet by A.C. Doback, (16/26). SOLD
 NP41: 5/28/86 FDC. Photo cachet by A.C. Doback, (16/26). SOLD
 NP42: 5/28/86 FDC. Photo cachet by A.C. Doback, (16/26). SOLD
 NP43: 5/28/86 FDC. Photo cachet by A.C. Doback, (16/26). SOLD
 NP44: 5/28/86 FDC. Photo cachet by A.C. Doback, (16/26). SOLD
The following items are foreign covers and some are not the standard 6.5" x 3.5" size.
Several of these are very spectacular and quite unique.
Remember, you can click on any image to see the cover full size.