HANDOUT SHEET 1. Paul tells the Galatians that when God called him to preach among the Gentiles, he "did not receive [the gospel] from any man, nor was I taught it" (v.12) and that he "did not consult any man" (v.16). Why is that information important in the context of this chapter? 2. Paul says in vs. 15 that God set him aside from birth and called him to preach. What well-know prophet was also called from birth? (Jeremiah 1:5) 3. Does God know you from birth? How about today? (Psalm 139) 4. If you felt called by God to preach, what would you do first? Why? 5. Paul says in vs. 16-17 that he did not consult any man or go to Jerusalem, but went immediately to Arabia to preach. Was this appropriate? 6. What would you think if a person came up to you in church and told you that God had revealed to her that, for example, people who dance are not really saved? What would you say to her? 7. If you want people to believe what you say, do you normally tell them good things or bad things about yourself? 8. Twice in this passage (v. 13 & v.23), Paul reminds the Galatians of his past. What is his purpose in doing so? 9. Do you know anyone who was once hostile to Christ but is now His follower? 10. If you had to convince someone that Christ is real by giving an example from your own life, what would you say? |
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