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for only $10.00 POSTPAID! Order today!
This colorful T-shirt (regular price $16.00) can be yours for the super bargain price of only $10.00 postpaid to any address in the USA!. Heavyweight 100% cotton Fruit of the Loom shirts are natural color (very light tan) with a 10" ComicCats design on the front. Show the world your love for those wonderful feline creatures. We made only a limited number of shirts, which will sell out fast. Available in adult small, medium, large, and extra-large.
I accept payment by cash, check, or money order to David Ahl, 12 Indian Head Road, Morristown, NJ 07960. I also accept PayPal (to If you pay with PayPal, please add 75¢ to cover the outrageous PayPal commission charge (grand total is $10.75 if paid with PayPal). Click on 'Buy Now' button to buy with PayPal.