Daniel Chapter 5 - Handwriting on the Wall

1. In the first four chapters, we have read about King Nebuchadnezzar. Now, King Belshazzar appears, Who is he? What does his name mean?

2. How do you think that God would have regarded using the gold goblets taken from the temple in Jerusalem for drinking wine at a drunken orgy at which other gods were praised? (2 Samuel 6:6-7)

3. In Verse 7, Belshazzar promises to make whoever interprets the writing on the wall the third highest ruler in the kingdom. Who were the first two?

4. The writing on the wall was only three words in Aramaic (see Verse 25). Why do you suppose the king’s wise men (or anyone else at the banquet) were unable to determine what they meant? (Job 32:8-9)

5. Who was the queen who appeared in Verse 10?

6. What does Daniel’s rejection of flattery and rewards (verse 17) say about the authenticity of the man and his message? How would you respond if you were in a similar situation?

7. How would you interpret the following words on a wall:
        DOLLAR       DOLLAR       PENNY       QUARTER

8. What does the handwriting on the wall mean? How is this prophecy fulfilled? Does this also fulfill one of Daniel’s earlier prophecies? (Daniel 2:36-39)

9. What contemporary examples come to mind of people mocking God by demeaning sacred things as Belshazzar did with the temple goblets?

10. Then and now, does it seem that God is quick or slow to judge such sacrilegious behavior? (Psalm 90:4, Habakkuk 2:3, Luke 12:20)

11. What would you do if you were offered a position of power as a way to buy your vote or predetermine your thinking? Does this happen today?

12. Why do people often fail, as Belshazzarr did, to learn from the past?

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